Laparoscopic Salpingo-Oophorectomy for Recurrent Endometrioma and Retrieval through Colpotomy
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Laparoscopic Salpingo-Oophorectomy for Recurrent Endometrioma and Retrieval through Colpotomy |
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Video From Dr. R. K. Mishra |
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This Video Uploaded At 07-03-2023 15:24:47 |
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This video demonstrates Laparoscopic Salpingo-Oophorectomy for Recurrent Endometrioma and Retrieval through Colpotomy by Dr. R.K. Mishra at World Laparoscopy Hospital.
Laparoscopic oophorectomy is a surgical procedure in which one or both ovaries are removed using a laparoscope, a long, thin instrument with a camera, and a light at the end inserted through small incisions in the abdomen.
The procedure is usually performed to treat conditions such as ovarian cancer, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, or other ovarian or pelvic disorders. Depending on the condition being treated, either one or both ovaries may be removed during the procedure.
During the surgery, the laparoscope is inserted through a small incision in the navel. Other small incisions are made in the abdomen to insert additional instruments, which are used to manipulate the ovaries and remove them. Once the ovaries have been removed, the incisions are closed, and the patient is monitored in a recovery room before discharge.
Laparoscopic oophorectomy is a minimally invasive procedure that offers several benefits over traditional open surgery, such as reduced pain, shorter hospital stays, and quicker recovery times. However, like all surgical procedures, there are risks associated with laparoscopic oophorectomy, and it should only be performed by a qualified surgeon after a thorough evaluation of the patient's condition.
A laparoscopic salpingo-oophorectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that involves removing one or both ovaries and fallopian tubes through small incisions in the abdomen. Here are the general steps involved in performing a laparoscopic salpingo-oophorectomy:
Anesthesia: The patient is placed under general anesthesia.
Incisions: Small incisions (about 1/4 to 1/2 inch) are made in the abdomen to allow the insertion of a laparoscope (a thin, lighted tube with a camera) and other surgical instruments.
Gas insufflation: The abdomen is inflated with carbon dioxide gas to create space and allow the surgeon to see the internal organs clearly.
Exploration: The surgeon explores the abdominal cavity using the laparoscope to identify the ovaries and fallopian tubes.
Dissection: The surgeon uses surgical instruments to separate the ovary and fallopian tubes from their attachments to the uterus and surrounding tissue. The blood vessels supplying the ovary and fallopian tube are carefully cut and sealed to prevent bleeding.
Removal: The ovary and fallopian tube are removed through one of the small incisions.
Closure: The incisions are closed with sutures or surgical glue.
Recovery: The patient is monitored in the recovery room until the anesthesia wears off and is typically discharged from the hospital the same day or the next day.
A laparoscopic salpingo-oophorectomy is a safe and effective procedure with a faster recovery time and less pain compared to traditional open surgery. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are risks involved, such as bleeding, infection, and damage to surrounding organs. It's important to discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure with your healthcare provider before deciding to undergo surgery.
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INDIA : +919811416838
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Bld.No: 27, DHCC, Dubai
UAE : +971525857874
World Laparoscopy Training Institute
8320 Inv Dr, Tallahassee, Florida
USA : +1 321 250 7653 |
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Education |
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laparoscopic oophorectomy | laparoscopic salpingo-oophorectomy | ovarian cystectomy | colpotomy |
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