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Toni Beninato, MD, MS, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
William Mendez, MD, University of Puerto Rico
♦13. A Comparison of Incidental Parathyroid Rates Associated with Total Thyroidectomy Performed with or Without Near-Infrared Autofluorescence Imaging
Seyma N Avci 1, Onuralp Ergun 1, Gizem Isiktas 1, Ege Akgun 1, Liudmila Muraveika 1, Vikram Krishnamurthy 1, Joyce Shin 1, Judy Jin 1, Allan Siperstein 1, Katherine B Heiden 1, Eren Berber 1
1Cleveland Clinic
♦14. Efficacy and Safety of Near Infrared Fluorescence Identification of the Thoracic Duct During Left Lateral Neck Dissection
Nicci Owusu-Brackett 1, Priya Dedhia 1, Barbra Miller 1, Christopher Gilliam 1, Stephen Kang 1, Amit Agrawal1, Jeffery Chakedis 1, John Phay 1
1The Ohio State University
15. Incidental 68Ga-DOTATATE Uptake in Thyroid Nodules: is Guideline-Directed Management Still Appropriate?
Kyla Wright1, Jason C. Fisher2, Gary Rothberger3, Jason Prescott2, John Allendorf4, Kepal Patel2, Insoo Suh2
1NYU Grossman School of Medicine, 2Department of Surgery, NYU Grossman School of Medicine, 3Department of Medicine, NYU Grossman School of Medicine, 4Department of Surgery, NYU Long Island School of Medicine
♦16. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Receptor as a Target for Imaging of Thyroid Cancer
Grayson R Gimblet1, Hailey A Houson2, Jason Whitt3, Herbert Chen3, Diana Lin4, Andrea Gillis3, John A Copland5, Saad S Kenderian6, Ricardo V Lloyd7, Mariusz W Szkudlinski8, Suzanne E Lapi2, Renata Jaskula-Sztul3
1Medical Scientist Training Program, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2Radiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 3Surgery, University of Alabama at Birmingham,4Pathology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 5Cancer Biology, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, 6Hematology, Mayo Clinic Rochester, 7Pathology, University of Wisconsin, 8Trophogen, Inc. |