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Future of Lung Transplant: New Technologies and Their Impact on Patient Care | Gleneagles Hospital
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Dr. Apar Jindal, the Program Director of the Lung Transplant Program and Head of Pulmonary Medicine at Gleneagles BGS Hospitals, Kengeri, Bengaluru, recently shared his thoughts on the latest technologies and innovations in lung transplantation that excite him. He highlighted three key developments in the field:
Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion (EVLP): This technology optimizes and preserves lungs for more extended periods, allowing the use of marginal donor lungs that might otherwise be discarded. EVLP ensures these lungs can be used for deserving recipients, significantly expanding the donor pool.
Organ Transport Boxes: These specialized systems preserve and transport lungs over long distances and durations, increasing organ utilization.
Living Donor Lung Transplants: This innovative approach is promising for pediatric recipients and adults who are either unsuitable for cadaveric donor transplants or cannot endure long wait times. Only South Korea and Japan perform living donor lung transplants, but Dr. Jindal aims to establish the first program in India to offer this life-saving option.
Dr. Jindal is enthusiastic about these advancements and is committed to bringing these cutting-edge practices to his program, enhancing the availability and success of lung transplants in the country.
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#GleneaglesBGSHospitalsKengeriBengaluru #lungcancer #lungs #lungsdisease #lungstest #lungsmeinpaanibharna #lungtransplantation #AdvancingLungTransplantation
Lung Transplant, Lung Transplant Surgery, Lung Transplantation, Double Lung Transplant Covid, Lung Transplants, Heart Lung Transplant, Lung Transplant Center, Lung Transplant Patient, Lung Transplant Centers, Advancing Lung Transplantation, Gleneagles Hospitals, Gleneagles BGS Hospitals Kengeri Bengaluru, Lung Cancer, Lungs Test, Lungs, Lungs Anatomy, Lungs Mein Paani Bharna, Lungs Mein Pani Bharne Se Kya Hota Hai, Lungs Disease, Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion, EVLP |