Unilateral Gynecomastia: Expert Cosmetic Surgeon in Pune Shares Gynecomastia Surgery Insights
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Unilateral Gynecomastia: Expert Cosmetic Surgeon in Pune Shares Gynecomastia Surgery Insights |
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Video From Dhanwantari's Chrysalis - Cosmetic Surgery Clinic |
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This Video Uploaded At 12-09-2023 10:27:55 |
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What is gynaecomastia?
Gynaecomastia (gynecomastia) or Gyno, in simple words, is male breast enlargement. It is also referred to as man boobs or male boobs. It is caused by hormonal imbalance between the hormones estrogen and testosterone. Both hormones are present in men as well as women.
What causes gynaecomastia or man boobs?
Gynaecomastia naturally appears in men when they are newborn or during puberty or in old age. Newborns and adolescent males usually experience this temporarily and it disappears when hormones stabilize. When the breasts stay enlarged, it causes concern.
There are four types of clinical gynecomastia based on severity:
Grade 1 - small enlargement, but without excess skin over the chest
Grade 2 - moderate enlargement, but without excess skin over the chest
Grade 3 - moderate enlargement with extra skin over the chest
Grade 4 - marked enlargement with extra skin over the chest
Gynecomastia typically presents as two-sided or “bilateral” growth, but in small percentage of men, it can present as single-sided “unilateral” or asymmetrical gynecomastia. Like bilateral gynecomastia, unilateral gynecomastia is a benign condition that is no different in terms of diagnosis and treatment. Unilateral gynecomastia is harder for men to deal with compared to the symmetrical or bilateral type.
What are the symptoms of gynaecomastia?
Most of the times there are no medical symptoms apart from enlarged breasts. Occasionally pain or tenderness may be present. Though it is common and affects almost one third of male population, it causes social embarrassment and distress to the affected individual.
Does gynaecomastia affect only overweight or obese people?
It is true that being overweight can be a cause of gynaecomastia, it does not mean that ‘only’ overweight or obese men are prone to it. Infact, almost 60% of the patients that we treat for gynaecomastia here are not overweight or obese. There are cases where excess fat can make a man’s breast look larger. But fat alone is not a cause for gynaecomastia. Hormonal imbalance is the main reason for the condition to develop it can affect any man but being overweight or obese increases level of estrogen which in turn leads to increased growth of breast tissue.
Can gynaecomastia be treated with exercise or can exercise get rid of gynaecomastia?
Regular exercise is the best lifestyle choice for a healthy living to keep obesity and other health disorders at bay. But only exercise cannot help to get rid of breast tissue for those affected with gynaecomastia. It can help to reduce fat deposits around the chest but the enlargement of breast tissue remains.
What is the treatment for gynaecomastia?
Surgery is the only treatment for gynaecomastia. First, liposuction is done to remove excess fat deposition and then through a small incision the gland is removed. The removal of the gland ensures that gynaecomastia does not reappear in the individual. The incision leaves an almost invisible scar and the individual is discharged on the same day of surgery. With the post surgery care as advised by the surgeon and follow-up of the same, the individual can go back to his normal routine in a few days.
Can any surgeon perform gynaecomastia surgery?
Only qualified Cosmetic and Plastic surgeons should perform gynaecomastia surgery. Choosing the right Plastic Surgeon for gynaecomastia surgery is important as it will be crucial in achieveing desired results and also reduces the risks involved with the surgery. A list of certified surgeons in India is available on the website of Indian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
In this video you will see unilateral Gynecomastia surgery with immediate results
0:00 Introduction
0:27 Injecting Local Anesthesia
0:44 Incision
0:55 Infiltration
1:10 Tunneling
1:22 VASER Emulsification
1:41 Liposuction
2:02 Gland Removal
2:53 Closure
3:11 Before and After unilateral gynecomastia surgery and contact us
If gynaecomastia surgery can be the right option for you please visit Board Certified Plastic and Cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Salil Patil at Dhanwantari's Chrysalis Pune. For more information on gynaecomastia surgery in Pune visit
Call: +91 9834655013
Visit: 3rd Floor, Bhondve Corner, Akurdi D.Y.Patil road, Pune 412101
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