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Designer vegina - Genital cosmetic surgery| Labiaplasty & Hymenoplasty Surgery in Ranchi
Hymenoplasty Surgery with labiaplasty & vaginal tightening| Hymenoplasty Surgery in Ranchi
Dr plastic surgeon, working as a senior consultant of leading hospitals of Jha. Pankaj Kumar M.S, M.Ch (Plastic Surgery) is a reputedrkhand.
Dr.Pankaj Kumar is dedicated to provide highest quality of plastic and cosmetic surgery in a state of the art centre "SRIJAN
PLASTIC SURGERY HOSPITAL", at an affordable cost.
Call - 9430062811, 9386135445
Services provided at SRIJAN HOSPITAL:
Labiaplasty is a surgery in which the labia minora or the lips of vagina are trimmed in order to reduce its size and improve the aesthetic value. Designer Vagina - Get Your LABIA MINORA Reshaped, Feel Confident Again. 🧡 Reclaim 💛 Restore 💚Relive.
1. The extra, redundant tissue is excised either with knife or laser and remaining flaps are stitched back using very fine sutures, keeping aesthetic value in mind.
2. Stitches used in labiaplasty are very fine and absorbable. Labiaplasty stitches take around 3-4 weeks to dissolve completely.
3. When done by wedge resection technique, it creates a small horizontal scar that is nearly invisible after healing is complete.
4. Labiaplasty is a cost-effective procedure.
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Hymenoplasty surgery in Ranchi | Hymen Reconstruction | Hymenoplasty near me | #hymenoplasty
Hymenoplasty/ Hymen repair surgery is performed at Srijan hospital by well experienced plastic surgeon.
in this video common questions about hymenoplasty has been explained by Dr. pankaj Kumar..
you can book an appointment for hymenoplasty.
Your privacy and confidentiality remain maintained.
your questions:
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hymenoplasty in Ranchi, Jharkhand
Srijan plastic surgery Hospital is exclusive super speciality centre for plastic and cosmetic surgery treatment.
Dr.Pankaj Kumar M.S , M.Ch (plastic surgery)
Fellowship - Hand & Microsurgery.
contat no - 9430062811,
WhatsApp - 9386135445.
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